Teletriage & Teleadvice

Note: LVT does not treat, diagnose, or prescribe and does not establish Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR). LVT is not a substitute for a physical examination by the pet owner’s veterinarian.

     Veterinary teletriage is a service that allows pet owners to receive medical advice and consultation for their animals remotely. This innovative approach utilizes telecommunication technologies to connect pet owners with licensed veterinary professionals, offering convenience and accessibility.

     Through video calls or phone consultations, pet owners can discuss their concerns, symptoms, or emergencies with a licensed professional who can provide guidance and recommend appropriate actions. Veterinary teletriage ensures that pet owners receive timely and professional assistance, enhancing the overall well-being of the animals in their care.

The goal of teletriage is to provide pet owners peace of mind in the event they feel their pet is experiencing a medical emergency. This triage session is performed via the utilization of our proprietary, secure video chat technology.


  • Teleadvice: General information given to a pet owner on nutrition, potty training, husbandry or other topics unrelated to a medical issue.

Assessment And Guidance For Your Peace Of Mind

When To Skip The Call And Seek Emergency Assistance?

While telehealth calls are convenient, they’re not always appropriate. Sometimes it’s better to have your pet seen in person. If, for instance, your animal experiences heatstroke, poisoning, trauma from a fall or accident, or another life-threatening event. Symptoms that merit an in-person visit include:

When something goes wrong with an animal’s health or they suffer an injury, pet parents often can’t tell whether it’s an emergency situation that warrants a trip to the vet’s office.

  • Teletriage: Determining whether an animal needs immediate medical help.

  • A weak or rapid pulse

  • Excessive bleeding

  • Seizures

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Paralysis or inability to stand

  • Ongoing vomiting or diarrhea

  • Unable to urinate or defecate

  • Loss of balance

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Broken bones

  • Bite wounds